Friday, March 04, 2005

Jack and Bobby

Okay, someone seriously needs to gut-punch Grace. What is up with her, “I will never talk to you about your father”, comment to Bobby? Uh, overprotective much? It is, after all, Bobby’s father. We thought that Christine Lahti's Grace was changing, for the better, but no. She had to go and mess everything up with a little attitude we like to label Bee-Otch. We mean, how humiliating for Bobby to have to speak about a father, that he doesn’t remember, and tell a story he knows is a lie? It was great to see Bobby finally take a stand and tell Grace that he would find out, one way or another, about who is father is and what has happened to him. You go Bobby! Logan Lerman is proving that he's got some serious acting skills.

As for Jack, how cute to see he and Pottie Poterson play the get-to-know-me game. He really did his homework. It was nice of her to write that she found out that he was the sweetest guy she ever met, but we would have liked to see her put in a little effort. Still, it was cute.

Poor Jack, though, when he had to tell Courtney, Jessica Pare, of her cheating boyfriend, Nate. What a dog! Hooking up with her on a fraternity bet! Ugh! He actually let her believe that he was going to be away, at his uncle’s funeral no less; all the while he was going out with his other girlfriend. That is dirty biz-nass. Props to Court for the dinner-in-the-lap move. Bless her heart. She gave up the Big V and everything for him.

Now, on to the saddest part of all…Grace is an idiot! Getting rid of Tom? Does this meant that the Grace/Tom Wexler breakup is signaling the end of Bradley Cooper on Jack and Bobby? Please, sweet writers, say it isn’t so! What ever will we do without our Mr. Cooper fix? Could this mean that J.J. Abrams has made the call for Bradley to return to his home on Alias? Only time will tell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes That would be aswome if tom came back to Allias. Also Grace is Biacth I do not think she is a good mom at all. Needs some serious lessons on parenting.

1:55 PM  

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