Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Betty and Veronica

For once, a show that's worth the wait. After a long hiatus Veronica came back S-T-R-O-N-G. After watching this week's episode, we couldn't believe V. would give up a semester of college at the Sorbonne. . .to put her absent mother into rehab. Well, we hope it pays off!

At least we have hope that V's getting closer to discovering who killed Lilly Kane. She found that bug in her panda bear pen holder, which was creepy. She's got cutie pie Leo stealing tapes and files and all kinds of stuff for her. (P.S. Leo is adorable) But, who is that guy that's been listening in on her and taking pictures and stalking her mom? What's up with that? Why is he so afraid of Veronica? Seriously, WHY?

Now, about the stealing of the mascots. She is one brave cookie. To go into another school, completely take over a new student identity, blackmail the principal into taking care of unexplained absences, this girl's got moxie! We just love her! We do! Can't wait to see what happens next.


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